Above all else, guard your heart, for everything else flows from it. Much of our behavior and our outlook in life comes from what is within our hearts. When we are hurting and are feeling hopeless, we often let our pain control our behavior and positivity becomes distant. When we are joyful and pursuing a life of passion, our heart is strong and our lives are enriched with goodness. We must be careful as to what we choose to let into our hearts, for it can heavily affect us. When we allow toxic relationships with significant others, family members or even friends, to infiltrate our world, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Those people bring us down, and take our love and care freely without returning the same effort in exchange. When we freely give our affection to those who don't deserve it, we are draining our emotional reservoirs. What is there to fill that reservoir back up? What gives us the energy and love we need to feel fulfilled? That is what we are in continual pursuit of. The things that fill our heart with contentment and make us whole. For some of us that is a God, that is a husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, hobby, friendship, or place. Whatever makes you feel whole, pursue it. Chase after it, and never let it go once you find it. For when you pursue the kind of contentment and love that makes you want to wake up everyday and live life, you have found something special. So always guard your heart, pay close attention to what you feel, and take care of yourself first and foremost.